2024 Sydney Royal Professional Development Scholarship

Mike Latham was awarded the 2024 Sydney Royal Professional Development Scholarship, supported by the Len Evans Foundation. Mike will attend AWAC later this year and says the opportunity will help enhance his understanding of different wine styles and develop his sensory capabilities.

Mike is the Senior Winemaker at Giant Steps Wine in the Yarra Valley and has had winemaking stints in Tasmania and the Hunter Valley. His love of good wine and travel has taken him to work at vineyards in the Northern Rhône, Burgundy, and Oregon.

Since 2021, the Len Evans Foundation has sponsored an annual scholar to attend the Advanced Wine Assessment Course (AWAC) provided by the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI). The scholarship is provided through a partnership with the Sydney Royal Wine Show and the RAS Foundation. For more information about their suite of Wine Scholarships go to the RASNSW website.


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2023 Sydney Royal Professional Development Scholarship